Wellspring Acupuncture in Washington Crossing PA near Yardley and Newtown offers Acupuncture, Herbs, Nutrition & Diet, Medical Qigong, Shiatsu and more!
Call Us today to schedule an appointment:
Dr. Ed Zullo: 609-439-8138
Anna Kwiecinska: 267-664-2760
We are located in Washington Crossing Park area where we have been established since 2005 and serving the local communities of Yardley, Newtown, Ewing, New Hope, Langhorne, Richboro, Lambertville, Lawrenceville, Pennington, Hopewell and Princeton.
We provide gentle, safe and effective acupuncture treatments for pain relief, chronic internal diseases and stress related illness.
Our healing experience dates back to 1993 and encompasses many modalities such as: acupuncture, chinese herbs, shiatsu, cranio-sacral therapy, medical qigong therapy and meditation.
In our approach, we emphasize prevention, education, proper nutrition, and we support our patients in creating changes that lead to balanced, pain-free, holistic lifestyle.
Hours & Location
We are open Monday thru Saturday until 7:00 PM.
Anna Kwiecinska, L. Ac., CMT, MMQ
E-mail: anna@wellspringacupuncture.net
Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday:
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Edward Zullo, L. Ac., DC
E-mail: edzullo@aol.com
Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM & 3:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Saturdays: 11:00 AM – 3: 00 PM
1078 Taylorsville Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977